Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hair and Make-Up

Another one of the departments in this show is the Hair and Make-Up crew.

For this show we have a lot of fun hair styles!

 One of the most fun, yet challenging part of hair and make up is that you have to think of hair styles that fit with the era of the show.
It takes a lot of research to find out what people wore their hair like back in the 1930s! 

Also most of the times you have an idea, but it doesn't work with the persons hair texture, which is why you have to start playing with peoples hair early!

Boys hair is usually a lot easier to deal with!
You just need to make sure that it's been pulled back so it won't get in his face while on stage!

Most of the hair styles that the hair and make up girls are doing are braids and curls.
There are so many different types of curls and braids that no one in the show really has the same hair style!

Above is a picture of Aubrey who is head for hair and make up.
"I have just always loved doing my own hair, and I love learning new things to do with hair and then perfecting them! I use to just practice on myself, but it's a lot easier when I can practice on some one else first!" She says.

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